- That coat has had it. 那件上衣已经破烂不堪了
- He has had it hard and gets discouraged. 他处境因难,感到沮丧。
- I realized I had had it in my pocket all along. 我发觉原来这一直就在我口袋里。
- God, I have had it with this job! 天啊!这种工作我真受够了!
- She has had it with her lazy, unambitious husband. 她真是受够了她那又懒又胸无大志的丈夫。
- It's rumoured that Jack has had it off with his secretary. 传说杰克和他的秘书发生了关系。
- We have had breakfast,but they have not had it yet. 我们吃过早饭了,但他们还没吃。
- I had had it from Robert what you told me just now. 你刚才告诉我的事,我已从罗伯特那儿听说了。
- Bob has had it good ever since his father died and left him all those shares in the company. 鲍勃自父亲去世把公司的全部股票留给他以后,就过起优裕的生活来了。
- I have had it for just two weeks. 我刚买了两星期。
- I have had it with all your excuses. 我受够了你的借口。
- You ought to have that coat cleaned and pressed. 你应该把那件外衣送去干洗并熨一下。
- I have had it said to me in passing. 我不得不说我顺便。
- That coat of yours could do with a clean. 你那件大衣需要洗一下了。
- I don't like the fashion of that coat. 我不喜欢那件上衣的式样。
- I realize I have have it in my pocket all along. 我发觉原来这一直就在我口袋里。
- She spent a huge amount of money on that coat. 她花了大笔的钱买那件衣服。
- His coat has been buttoned up to the chin. 他的外套钮扣扣到下巴。
- She was beautiful, Ann, and she really wanted that coat, so I made her a deal. She could have it if she would let me take her to dinner. We hit it off right away and I knew that night we were perfect for each other. We plan to be married next April. 安,她很美,她实在想要那件大衣。所以我跟她讲了一个条件。如果她让我请她吃饭,我就送给她。我们马上一拍即合。那晚我们如鱼得水。我们计划明年四月结婚。
- Quota, quotas ... I have had it up to here! I feel like I have got a stomachache. 定额,定额。。。。。我真是受够了!觉得胃都痛了。